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crashrummy| Iron iron-steel mill blast furnace operating rates continue to increase, increasing spot demand for iron ore

Home 2024年05月08日 18:01 12 editor

crashrummy| Iron iron-steel mill blast furnace operating rates continue to increase, increasing spot demand for iron ore

Overnight I2409 contract concussion is strong.CrashrummyThe spot quotation for imported iron ore was raised. The shipments and arrivals of iron ore from Australia and Pakistan have increased in this period. The merchants are enthusiastic in shipping, and the quotation is more than a firm offer. Due to the recent continuous increase in the operating rate of blast furnace in steel mills, the spot demand for iron ore has increased, which has supported the spot price of iron ore period. At the same time, the mainstream positions have increased significantly, pushing forward prices higher. Technically, the 1-hour MACD index of I2409 contract shows that DIFF and DEA are running above the 0 axis. Operational recommendations, callback to do more machine, pay attention to risk control.

Researcher: Cai Yuehui

Futures qualification number: F0251444

Futures investment consulting certificate number: 20013101

Assistant researcher: Li Qiurong

Futures qualification number: F03101823


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